Friday, May 3, 2013

Basic energy points a great preventing tool

Moxibustion for the basic energy points is probably the best preventing cure for all ages.
These points are known to raise energy in the body thus raising
immunity in general; besides, they balance energies to help emotional problems.
Moxibustion is especially effective for all conditions caused by harmful energy
of Cold, i.e. the cold itself and seasonal flu for example (cancer also).
Will definitely be a good preventive for the swine or bird flu as here the action is not
on a particular type of virus but on the energy it thrives on and strengthening immune 
system at the same time.
Especially  valuable for children. 

Basic energy points - guidance

Location of points:
Points are about 3 mm in size and easy to found:
 on the palm:
3 - in the middle between 1 and 5
2 и 4 - at 1/3 of a distance to the nearest point 1 or 5
6 - equal distance between 5 and 7
on the outer side of the hand:
2 - equal distance between 1 and 3
5 - equal distance between 4 and 6

One can massage the points by smth like a round tip of a pencil but best is
moxibustion - heating by a special moxa cigar sold in acupuncture
and Chinese medicine shops, or a incense stick, even by a burning coal.
One may tie 2-3 incense sticks tied together for stronger heat flow.

The sequence of work:
--- for the palm - in the sequence from 1 to 7
--- on the outer side of a hand - in reverse order i.e. 6,5,4,...1.
One starts with left hand for men and right hand for women for the first session;
next time on another hand and so on alternating hands.

The cigar is hold above the point at a distance to give a constant flow of heat
not burning, until a pleasant warmth at the point.

One may heat all the points equal time, usually 20 to 30 sec, or a specific
time for each to get that feeling of warmth.
In some while one may get the feeling what particular points need treatment.