Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tour de France, Robert Gesink, knee injuries

considering his stage 5 ride with legs bleeding.
Knees are controlled by energy of Dryness, the corresponding finger and nail is
index finger right hand, any knee trauma in general can be managed there:

Skin is also controlled by Dryness energy so the above scheme works well for scratches.

If there's deeper injury for muscles and tendons, they  are controlled by energy of Wind, so:
--- one marks a transition point 1 of Wind
--- goes to Wind finger, little finger left hand:


Right after the trauma, there's need to help tissues close, general scheme:
--- tone up Neito
--- sedate Hetero
--- tone up Gomo
--- tone up Neitro
in more details in previous posts:
After the wounded tissues have closed, one can use a scheme to promote cicrulation
in affected area and speed up healing:

If bleeding is consistent, especially when cyclist goes on riding, one can specially address 
Heat energy (cardiovascualr system) to slow it down:

In details:
--- black point - tone up Neito, to erase the energy of impact which caused trauma, and restore
"calmness" in the area
--- red point - sedation of Burn - fast-growing haematoma
--- orange point  - tone up Dryness, contraction, shrinking, 
--- green point at left - addresses action to finger of cardiovascular system, index finger left hand
--- points there are to slow down bleeding in knees region, haematoma

One can narrow the action right to the area of wound which causes bleeding, but this needs 
additional transition points and good knowledge of energy mapping.

Colour of points as usual indicates the colour of natural crystals to tape on points for self-treatment,
more on self-treatment in:

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